World Famous Wrestling

What is Wrestling

Wrestling is a game natural to man. It is one of the most ancient sports. In warfare, it look its significant place when victory in battle was determined not by mass clash of armies but by individual combat.

At first, wrestling was more a test of brute strength than of skill and, victory often went to the heavier and more ruthless adversary. A tribe's champion wrestler was greatly honored and matches  were of ten arranged with the experts of other tribes. About 5000 years back, in ancient Assyria and Egypt, Wrestling was highly developed. From Assyria and Egypt, Wrestling found its way to Greece, although later legends ascribed its introduction there to the Athenian hero Theseus.

Wrestling became a popular feature of almost all greek feasts and sporting events, particularly of the Olympic Games.It became so popular that just as now a days we might invite a friend for a game of bowls or round of golf, Greeks asked each other to go for wrestling together.

Wrestlers used to oil their bodies before starting a match to cover the pores of skin lest the sand and dust of the arena clog them. In addition, they rubbed themselves with fine powdered clay which certainly hold the wrestler to gain a better grip.

Historically, wrestling was introduced into the Olympic Games only in the 18th Olympics in 704 B.C. as part of the Pentathlon. Milon of Croton who lived in the sixth century B.C. was the most renowned of all Greek wrestlers.

When the Romans had conquered Greece, they continued the wrestling matches but developed them to their own traditions. They refined the sport and barred some of its most cruel fetchers. The new style thus created, became known as Graeco-Roman. With the fall of the Roman Empire, wrestling lost much of its popularity and for sometime at least, was looked upon with disdain.

Wrestling was always popular in Asia. The Mongolians and Chinese made it a part of religious celebrations. The Japanese excelled in the sport and developed their own indigenous style known as Sumo.

Wrestling is a combative sport and a manly art, a game of brutality or commercialized entertainment, where money comes first and the sport second but performed with skill and a determined spirit, it can rate not only as one of the oldest but also as one of the most dramatic sport.                                     watch video